Trail in Ushuaia

Trail in Ushuaia

What is running? A question whose answer seems more than obvious, to move by lifting one foot before supporting the other, simple and straightforward. When it´s done on flat terrain it seems simpler, of course, it never is for multiple reasons.

by Sergio Tagliapietra

Running in the mountains adds greater difficulties, difficult terrain, stones, mud, branches, puddles, rivers, wind in the heights, snow, cold and many more adversities.

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Thus, it is always exciting to run in the mountains for those of us who like this way of re-running roads. If we add the spice to all this of doing it in a place like USHUAIA, it is undoubtedly one of the most interesting challenges that can be faced.

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This because it means facing different terrain from others since the mountains in this place called “The End of the World” present a lot of elevation in a short distance, the climate is very changeable, which is generally cold and always with snow probabilities, regardless of the time of year.

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All this means that beyond the physical preparation that you can have for a race, a continuous alea is always present, such as the challenge that this beautiful place faces you and that puts you to the test from before leaving the starting arc.

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So running in this place will surely not give you the world champion medal, but it will fill you with satisfaction having faced a unique and different place to all, neither better nor worse than others, just DIFFERENT AND HIGHLY CHALLENGING all the year.

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Hopefully all Trail enthusiasts can afford to come and be able to say I accepted the challenge of running in Ushuaia and he did not beat me.

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